№25 縮景園のイチョウ in 広島
A-bomebed Ginkgo tree in HIROSHIMA

Scars of A-Bomebed Tree
▼樹齢200年以上 樹高:21m 幹周り:3.5m
樹齢200年をこえるイチョウ。樹皮にケロイド状の傷あとを残しています。幹の中央にボコボコと穴が開いているのが見えませんか? それが<ヤケドのあと>です。この写真は2015年4月に撮ったものですが、傷口からいくつもの新芽を出しています。原爆投下の翌春、この反対側から芽が出たと伝えられています。傷つきなばらも生きようとするイチョウの姿には、怒りを秘めた生命力を感じます。この木は爆心地のほうへ傾くという、被爆樹のもう1つの特徴ももっています。被爆当時、縮景園には原爆で傷ついた人々が集いました。2015年4月撮影
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Ginkgo tree/Shukkeien Garden
1,370m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Ginkgo biloba
age:200 years old
height:21 m
address:2 Kami noboricho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1370m from the hypocenter.
The ginkgo tree is more than 200 years old. The tree is bent due to the atomic bombing. The trunk has burn by fire. There are other A-bombed trees, including a muku tree and a black pine. When the atomic bombing, many people fled to this garden and died here. 【Survivors' Stories】A woman drew a A-bomb drawing.The river was carrying countless drowning people downstream. Yet more people jumped in, driven by the approaching fire. A middle school student, face swollen beyond recognition, was clinging onto a willow branch as if dazed. The next moment the student dipped his face in the river and took a draught of water. He then heaved a sigh, released the branch, sank and drifted away, without so much as saying "Dad!" or "Mom!". Drawn by Yoko Suga (age 14 at the time of the bing. .Owned by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum)Apr,2015Shooting
★Let's go to see this tree !
2minute walk from "Shukkeien-mae Station", by Street car.